Friday, March 19, 2010

Force Heretic II: Refugee by Sean Williams and Shane Dix

In this book we see Leia, Han, Jaina, Tahiri, and Jag Fel return to Bakura where the Sri-ruuvi Imperium poses a new threat while Luke, Mara, Jacen, and their team search Chiss space for Zonoma Sekot. Meanwhile Nom Anor (whom I'm actually starting to like, at least to despise) foments more trouble for the Yuuzhan Vong by developing the pro-Jedi heresy. I'm intrigued by the connection between the Sri-ruuvi and the Yuuzhan Vong, and I liked seeing Chiss space and more of the Fel family, but this one took me a while to read. I think the fact that there are not chapters, but parts, slows things down. I'm looking forward to this crisis's end--only three books to go!

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